Today’s vehicles are manufactured based on established safety standards; however, car accidents caused by mechanical defects still cause serious injury and deaths.
Some common causes of car accidents include negligent and errant driver behavior combined with other factors such as bad road conditions, defective mechanical equipment, and bad weather conditions. Even though a large percentage of accidents are caused by driver error such as negligent driving, driving under the influence, distracted driving, and aggressive driving, a considerable number of car accidents are caused by mechanical defects. Today, most vehicles are manufactured to adhere to safety standards established by experts, but there are certain mechanical faults that are known to cause car accidents.
Faulty Brakes
Brake failure is one of the common mechanical defects that can lead to automobile accidents. Modern automobile technologies, such as dual brake systems, reduce the risk of mechanical failure. In case of a circuit failure, the other circuit will come into action and enable the car to brake. Another technology that has made cars safer is the anti-lock braking system that prevents the front car wheels from locking in case of an emergency.
Tire Blow Outs
Tires are much safer today than they were a few years ago. However, worn out tires and under inflated tires are a major cause of motor vehicle accidents. Faulty suspensions and improperly aligned suspensions may result in uneven tires and ultimately lead to an accident.
Faulty Steering Systems and Suspensions
If a car is traveling at a high speed and the suspension system malfunctions, it can cause a major accident no matter how experienced the driver is. In order to prevent accidents caused by mechanical failures, it is important for the driver to take preventive steps. Drivers should maintain their vehicles well and have the equipment and components tested from trained personnel at regular intervals.
Faulty Headlights and Taillights
A large percentage of car accidents occur at night compared to the day time, because of low visibility when drivers must depend on lights to be able to see. If the car has broken or dim headlights, brake lights, or taillights, then it can become extremely difficult for the motorist to see and for the other drivers to spot them. Inspect all lights regularly so as to make sure they are in perfect working order.
Malfunctioning Wipers
Driving in rain and snow can be extremely difficult and you need good quality and properly functioning wipers for safe driving. If the car’s wipers malfunction when you are driving in a snow storm or rain, you will immediately lose visibility.
Chicago Car Accident Attorney
If you have been injured in a car accident caused by mechanical failure, you may be able to file a claim against the company responsible for the design and manufacture of the car. For free legal advice regarding your personal injury claim, contact a Chicago product liability attorney at Willens & Baez by calling (312) 957-4166.