Mirena Side Effects & Lawyers Who Handle Mirena Lawsuit Cases
What is Mirena? If you happen to be reading this blog, you are probably already familiar with Mirena. In short, Mirena is a birth control device manufactured by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. It consists of a small, T-shaped container of flexible plastic that discharges constant doses of a hormone, levonorgesterel. Levonorgestrel thickens the wall of mucous lining […]
What to Do If Your Car Has a Recall on It
Car recalls are often issued for safety defects, both major and minor. These can result in an increased risk of car accidents and resulting injury. It’s important to take these recalls seriously. If Your Current Car Has a Recall Read the recall carefully. It will include instructions about how to handle the recall. In most […]
What to Do When Your Vehicle Is Recalled
Vehicle recalls are initiated when a safety-related vehicle defect is identified. If a recall affects your vehicle, you should be informed about the recall directly, as long as you have informed the manufacturer about your most recent address change either by contacting them or taking your car to a dealership for maintenance. Here are the […]