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Scaffolding Falls in Chicago

If the scaffold collapses, and someone is injured as a result, it is likely that someone will have to pay. Who must pay is a question of fact that must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. On January 4th, a set of construction scaffolding collapsed in the night, damaging four vehicles, the Chicago Tribune reports. […]

Chicago Mesothelioma Lawyer – Illinois Asbestos Attorney

Chicago Asbestos Exposure Lawyer Asbestos exposure can occur when someone is involved in demolition, janitorial cleanup of asbestos-containing debris, construction, and mining activities, just to name a few activities. Asbestos was used as a fire-resistant insulator in buildings until the late 1970s. You can find asbestos in old buildings within the drywall, joint compound, plaster, […]


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