Facial trauma is one of the most common types of injuries sustained in car accidents. Facial fractures are often associated with other injuries such as head injuries, eye injuries and facial lacerations. According to Chicago car accident lawyer, a facial injury can be expensive and the total costs can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In a car accident, a number of different facial bones can get fractured.
The most common types of facial fractures from car accidents and their symptoms are:
Facial bone fractures: Those who have sustained a facial fracture may experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness at the injury site. In the case of a nose fracture, the person may have nasal deformity and nosebleed. If the middle part of the nasal bone is fractured, it can also cause a fracture of the bones on the inside of the nose. This can expose the person’s brain to the external environment, and the person may experience clear nasal discharge and ongoing nosebleeds.
Fractured jaw: The common symptoms include bruising to the underside of the tongue, pain, swelling and difficulty bringing the teeth together. If the fracture is located at the middle part of the face, he/she may have clear nasal discharge difficulty bringing teeth together, bruising, and visual problems. In case of a cheek fracture, the person may experience symptoms such as a depressed or flattened area in the cheek, problem moving the jaw, vision problems, presence of blood inside the eye or changed sensations in the affected area.
Cheekbone fractures: Also known as zygomatic fractures, these fractures cause symptoms such as flatness of the cheek, visual problems, changed sensation under the eye on the affected side, blood in the eye on the affected side, pain with jaw movement.
Orbital fractures: Those who suffer an orbital fracture as a result of a car accident may have eyes that appear sunken. The patient may also experience other symptoms such as double vision and altered sensation around the injured eye. In case the temporomandibular joint gets dislocated, the patient may have a jaw that is out of line and may not be able to close their mouth. This joint is located in the front of the ear at the place where the jaw and the temporal bone are connected.
Facial fractures can be extremely painful and often require prolonged and extensive treatment. The patient may have to undergo multiple surgeries. Some victims are left with permanent scars or disfigurement as a direct result of the injury or because of the surgery. Recovery is often slow and painful.
If you or someone close to you has sustained a facial fracture in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you can make a claim for compensation covering medical bills, wage loss, pain and suffering and other expenses. It is in your best interest to have a competent Chicago auto accident attorney on your side, who can fight for your rights.