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Fatal Car Accident Statistics Illinois Roadways

While a driver’s license gives you the opportunity to drive and be independent, like with any privilege, it also comes with responsibility. It is every driver’s responsibility to follow the rules and laws of the roads, driving in a safe manner so as to prevent car accidents. As the number of fatal car accidents continues […]

Car Accidents Caused From Crossing Over Solid Yellow Lines

In the event that another driver has ignored the solid yellow line, causing you injury, his blatant disregard for the law may entitle you to monetary compensation. Attempting to pass a vehicle where it is restricted is the cause of many head on collisions in Chicago and its outlying suburbs. The markings down the center […]

Determining Fault and Recovering Damages in a Right Hand Turn Accident

right hand turn car accident lawyer

Chicago intersections are the scenes of car accidents each day, as some motorists speed through them carelessly without taking the time to check for oncoming traffic. Even a simple right turn into an intersection needs to be done with caution in order to avoid a sudden collision. Understanding your right of way and knowing who […]

Insurance Policy Limits on Injury Payouts

When you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, that person often doesn’t have enough money on hand to properly compensate you for your injuries. This is true in most cases, in fact, and it is typically a person or business’s insurance company that will pay you for your personal injury. Motor Vehicle Insurance […]


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