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The Risks of Driving with Under Inflated Tires

chicago car accident law firm

Ensuring that your tires are properly inflated can prevent a serious car accident resulting from a blowout. Whether you are driving on a highway or on a street, the basic rules of safe driving remain the same. Maintain the correct lane, follow traffic rules, and use common sense. However, drivers often overlook the need to keep their vehicles in proper […]

Fatal Car Accident Statistics Illinois Roadways

While a driver’s license gives you the opportunity to drive and be independent, like with any privilege, it also comes with responsibility. It is every driver’s responsibility to follow the rules and laws of the roads, driving in a safe manner so as to prevent car accidents. As the number of fatal car accidents continues […]

5 Important Facts About Motorcycle Helmets

Motorycle Accident Chicago IL

Although most motorcyclists have accepted wearing a helmet as a part of their ride, it is not as simple as just putting on any hard hat and going for a ride. For your safety, you need to know the facts about motorcycle helmets. Know the State Laws Illinois does not require motorcyclists to wear a […]

Car Accidents Caused by Bad Weather

weather related car accident

Chicago weather conditions can put drivers at a greater risk of being involved in an automobile accident. Even though you may be a cautious driver, there are other factors and other drivers that you must remain careful of. Often, there are warning signs on highways and roadways indicating areas that are more impacted by bad weather. Such […]

Workers Compensation Claims for Chemical Exposure Injuries

asbestos exposure lawyers

Workers in many industries have to handle chemicals such as cleaning agents and acids as a part of their job. Exposure to some of these chemicals can cause injuries and even death. More than 10 percent of the occupational deaths are attributed to environmental and chemical exposure. It is the duty of all employers to […]

Failure-to-Yield Car Crash

Failure-to-yield car accidents are a common occurrence in Chicago, causing injuries to bicyclists, pedestrians, and others. There are various offenses related to failure-to-yield that can cause serious accidents. Examples include failure-to-yield to a vehicle that has the right of way or failure-to-yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. There are specific laws that govern the right of way […]

Was Medical Negligence the Cause of Your Child’s Birth Injury?

birth injury law firm

A great amount of trust is placed in the doctor and medical staff when parents enter a hospital to give birth to their baby. This trust includes knowing the correct standards of medical care will be followed and the mother and unborn child will have the full attention of the staff to ensure a healthy delivery. Any mistake made during pregnancy, labor and […]

The Catastrophic Effects of Work-Related Burn Injuries

workers compensation burn injuries

Burn injuries are the second most common work-related injuries after fall accidents. If we combine both on-the-job and off-the-job burn injuries that are reported every year, we are looking at a figure of over a million. Work-related burn injuries can have serious and long-term consequences for an injured worker and may leave him or her unable to go […]

Distracted Driving: A Leading Cause of Car Accidents

texting and driving

Smart phone technology has surely contributed to an increase in distracted driving and automobile accidents. Every piece of information, from anywhere in the world, is now available at our finger tips. If you want to chat with a friend thousands of miles away you can do it in a matter of seconds. However, this increased dependence […]

Why Should Your Firm To Handle My Personal Injury Case?

There are many personal injury law firms in Illinois. As our firm’s competitors, I’d like to tell you that they were all average at best, but that would be dishonest. Some of them are actually pretty good. We think we’re better. First of all, weeding out the wrong lawyers to handle a personal injury case is easier […]


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