What Can Stickney, Illinois Offer You?
Stickney, Illinois is a small village in Cook County Illinois, United States of America. The village is officially known as Stickney. The official town name of the village is Stickney. The official population of the village is 6,786 in the 2010 Census. It is located on the northwest corner of Cook County, IL and on the south shore of Lake Michigan in south central Illinois. Learn more here.
The economy of the village is based largely on the Stickney Brick and Mortar mill which are the main source of employment in Stickney. Other companies that are also located in Stickney are the Stickney Steel Company, the Stickney Electric Company, and the Stickney Paper Company. The population of the village is predominantly African-American. It is located on a rural street called South Park Avenue. There are very few commercial properties in Stickney and the area has seen more than its share of vandalism. The most recent incident of vandalism in Stickney was an attempted break-in at a Stickney home that was thwarted by residents using pepper spray and a police officer. Learn more about The Best Places To Visit in the Berwyn, Illinois.
Going From Stickney to Willens & Baez Personal Injury Attorneys in Chicago
The area is quite safe and there are very few incidents or crime around the area. The area has a lot to offer, especially for those who enjoy walking, biking, and hiking. The areas of the village are very quiet and have not been the subject of too much crime or vandalism in recent years. Many people commute to Chicago, IL, from the area because of the beautiful views of the Chicago skyline and the pleasant weather.
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