Delayed Injuries Lawyers in Chicago, IL
Not all car accident injuries are evident immediately after a crash. Some injuries may take days or weeks to appear.
Delayed injuries may take longer to heal compared with external injuries, causing expensive medical bills and lost wages. After a car accident, your first thought may be to access the damage to your vehicle and settle the claim quickly. However, settling a car accident claim too quickly can cost you. BEFORE accepting a settlement agreement, consult with a Chicago car accident attorney.
Delayed Injury – Whiplash
Whiplash is a common type of delayed personal injury. Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that occurs when the neck experiences vigorous movement from an external force. It is estimated that close to three million people suffer whiplash every year. Whiplash affects the neck, the spine, and other neural pathways. Whiplash can cause symptoms such as:
- stiffness
- headaches
- dizziness
- muscle spasms
- weakness
- mobility problems
Delayed Injury – Concussion
A concussion occurs when the head hits a hard surface, such as the steering wheel, from the impact of a car crash. Concussion often occurs in rear-end collisions. Signs and symptoms of a concussion include:
- headaches
- vision problems
- vomiting
- memory loss
- loss of coordination or balance
- irritability
- sleep problems
- depression
Delayed Injury – Emotional Trauma
Emotional trauma is difficult to diagnose because it may appear slowly over a period of time after an accident. An extreme emotional reaction to a traumatic accident can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms of PTSD include:
- anxiety
- insomnia
- depression
- flashbacks
After a Car Crash
It is important to have a thorough medical examination after a car accident to diagnose any internal damage. Imaging tests can diagnose spinal or head trauma. If you experience any pain or discomfort after a car crash, seek medical attention. Minor discomfort or pain can indicate serious internal damage.
Contact a Chicago Personal Injury Attorney
If you have suffered any delayed injuries after a car accident, contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer from Willens & Baez for a case evaluation. Call us at (312) 957-4166.