Internal Bleeding After A Car Accident Lawyers in Chicago, IL
Symptoms of internal bleeding are not always evident right after a car accident.
Internal bleeding can be overlooked because of the absence of any visible wound on the surface. Internal bleeding is an extremely serious condition and should be treated immediately. Any delay in treatment can cause serious complications and even death.
Causes of Internal Bleeding
High-impact vehicle collisions can cause trauma to soft tissues, vascular structures, and organs. Tearing of internal tissues, compression of organs, and the crushing and ripping of veins and arteries can lead to internal bleeding. In a car accident, internal bleeding can result from:
- Fractures or broken bones: Breaking of large bones can release blood into the body and the bleeding can worsen if the blood vessels around the site of injury are severely damaged.
- Blunt trauma: Blunt force trauma leads to compression of the internal organs. Bleeding can worsen if the impact was strong enough to cause tearing of the tissue lining or crushing of the bones or muscle fibers.
- Deceleration trauma: Deceleration trauma occurs when the organs shift inside the body. In case of a car accident, the body may be restrained with a seatbelt, but the organs may shift forward causing them to bounce around inside the body. This can cause bleeding within the abdominal cavity.
Symptoms of Internal Bleeding
Symptoms of internal bleeding may not be immediately evident, making a timely diagnosis difficult. Symptoms of internal bleeding after a car accident include:
- confusion
- inflammation
- loss of vision
- dizziness
- swelling and tightness
- fainting
- slurred speech
- pain with no obvious source
- low blood pressure
- lightheadedness
- visible bruising
- bloody vomit or urine
Treatment for Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding can be life-threatening; if left undetected and untreated, it can lead to the formation of blood clots and the following complications:
- shock
- organ failure
- coma
- death
Compensation for Car Accident Injuries
If you or someone close to you has suffered an injury as a result of a car accident caused by someone else’s fault, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. You may be faced with huge medical bills and lost wages. Talk with a Chicago car accident lawyer from Willens & Baez to learn about your legal options. Call us today at (312) 957-4166.