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Consequences of Orthopedic Malpractice

Chiacago Orthopedic Malpractice Lawyer

Patients trust their doctor or surgeon with their lives and expect them to perform the procedure with utmost care. Like other invasive procedures, orthopedic surgeries also present inherent risks. Many of these risks can be avoided if the orthopedic surgeon lives up to the standard of care that is expected from them. In this post, Chicago […]

29-Step Plan to Reduce Surgical Site Infections Released

Surgical Errors - Medical Malpractice

Surgeries of all types, whether minor or major, involve a variety of risks. One of the most common—and serious—are surgical site infections. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a non-profit group promoting health safety issues across the world, in the United States surgical site infections are the second leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. To […]

Was Medical Negligence the Cause of Your Child’s Birth Injury?

birth injury law firm

A great amount of trust is placed in the doctor and medical staff when parents enter a hospital to give birth to their baby. This trust includes knowing the correct standards of medical care will be followed and the mother and unborn child will have the full attention of the staff to ensure a healthy delivery. Any mistake made during pregnancy, labor and […]


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