Vehicle recalls are initiated when a safety-related vehicle defect is identified.
If a recall affects your vehicle, you should be informed about the recall directly, as long as you have informed the manufacturer about your most recent address change either by contacting them or taking your car to a dealership for maintenance. Here are the steps to take when you are informed of a recall.
Read the Recall Notice Fully and Carefully
First, make sure your vehicle is on the list of recalls. You shouldn’t get a notice about a recall that doesn’t affect you, but it does happen.
Next, find out if the car is safe to drive. The notice should detail possible risks and let you know whether you need to stop driving the car right away.
Finally, understand the remedy being offered. Manufacturers are allowed to offer you a free repair, a replacement with an identical or similar vehicle, or refund your purchase price minus depreciation. If you have options, evaluate them and decide which is best for you.
Apply for Reimbursement
If you had the affected part or system repaired before the recall was initiated, you may be able to get reimbursement for the cost of repairs. The repairs need to have been completed either at the date the investigation into the defect was opened or a year before the manufacturer admitted the defect, whichever is earlier. In either case, you only have a short time to request a refund, so work quickly.
Unfortunately, not all recalls happen early enough to prevent personal injury or car accidents. If you were injured in a car accident due to a defective auto, you may be able to receive additional compensation. Please contact Willens & Baez in Chicago today for a free case evaluation.